

In July and August we declare a summer break.


You are welcome to Wednesday milonga in studio DanceLab.


After the summer break the Practilonga resumes. Lets enjoy another dancing seazon!


Practilonga returns back to normal. We are glad to welcome you again.


Practilonga is cancelled until further notice due to a coronavirus pandemic.


Tango vacation in Hukvaldy, registration on Tanguera Centrum.


Seminar "On Air Communication" from 14:00 in studio DanceLab. Social dance levitation. 4 hours, 500,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834.


The text of the new article about tangasm phenomena is available here


The opening of Tango club - the place for improving your commiunicational skills in tango.


Full-day seminar in Ostrava. It takes two to tango - what does it mean?


The Openclass group lessons start - see schedule.


Full-day seminar in Ostrava, closed group. The fast slow.


Full-day seminar in Ostrava, closed group. How to take care about your partner.


Seminar "Internal criteria of right and right and wrong in tango" from 12:00 in studio DanceLab. The tools of self-development. 4 hours of teaching, 500,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834.


Full-day seminar in Ostrava, closed group. The internal criteria of right and wrong in tango.


The "Psychologie Dnes" magazin published Igor's article about the features of personal space and its influence on tango movement.


Full-day seminar in Ostrava We will dicover the possibilites concealed in ocho.


Full-day seminar "The principles that make tango" in Ostrava (10:00-16:00) for advanced dancers and beginners. We will explore the shortest way to the essence of tango movement. The orgamizer: Licie Kožinová


Seminar "Magical tango tricks" from 11:00 in studio DanceLab. Nothing is as it seems in tango. Lets discover different optical illusions and their usage in movement. 4 hours of teaching, 400,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834 and facebook.


Seminar "Around the Axis" from 11:00 in studio DanceLab. We are going to explore the approaches to the creative usage of private and mutual axis. 4 hours of teaching, 400,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834 and facebook.


The new course for beginners starts in Foreigners Integration Centre.


The lessons 28.2 and 1.3 are cancelled due to Igor's business trip.


We invite you to the special Milonga 50 in Cafe Adria on Saturday from 20:00. The entry is free.


The new course "Sensual side of tango" starts in Foreigners Integration Centre. Try the interesting and effective way of learning tango.


Seminar "Full contact milonga" from 10:00 in studio DanceLab. Wi will parse the ways of mutual improvisation on fast speed in tight emrace. 4 hours of teaching, 400,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834 and facebook.


Seminar "Tango communication" from 10:00 in studio DanceLab. We will discover the signals, ways of maintaining the communication channel, the communication in special situations: series of sacadas, colgadas, in the air. 4 hours of teaching, 400,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834 and facebook.


The demo lesson will take place in Nymburk on Komenskeho 779.


Seminar "50 shades of ocho" from 14:00 in studio DanceLab. Tango seminar dedicated to the possibilities of ocho - 25 parameters altogether and countless combinations. In order to succeed we will define and learn the basic version of ocho which will allow us to master all the combinations. 4 hours of teaching, 400,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834 and facebook.


Seminar "Tango levitation" from 14:00 in studio DanceLab. We will deep ourselves into movements in the air, based on tango principles. 4 hours of teaching, 400,- Kč/person. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834 and facebook.


The new sketch Principles has been published.


Seminar "The principles of tango movement" from 13:00 in studio DanceLab. We will aim to effortless pivot and mutual balance principles. 4 hours of teaching, 400,- Kč/person. Video-invitation is here. Registration is on tel. 776 161 834.